Designed & Produced by AntsDIY Trading (3207878-U)
“I realized that more and more youngsters are interested in ant keeping. However, they are not able to buy formicariums that are expensive. Also a lot of beginners are searching for a nice, clean, and budget option. That is why many people opt for plaster formicarium because it is cheap and easily accessible. But the problem with plaster formicarium is that it’s ugly, molds, and it breaks easily. But what if 3D Printed formicarium can be as cheap as plaster formicarium? Well here you have it only in AntsDIY.”
– DavFoo
Do allow some minor warping at the base of the prints. Warping occurs due to material shrinkage while 3D printing, which causes the corners of the print to lift and detach from the build plate.
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